publish("css", args.output)
-def generateSitemap():
- sitemap = []
- try:
- sfile = open('sitemap.txt')
- flist =
- sfile.close()
- for f in flist:
- sitemap.append(dict(link=f))
- except IOError, what_error:
- print 'Sitemap missing - generating one.'
- for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
- for filename in filenames:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.xml'):
- xfile = os.path.join(dirname,filename)
- doc = bindery.parse(xfile,
- prefixes={u'db': u'',
- u'xi': u'',
- u'xl': u''})
- title = doc.xml_select(u'/db:article/db:info/db:title')
- menu = doc.xml_select(u'/db:article/db:info/db:titleabbrev')
- code = doc.xml_select(u"//xi:include[@parse='text']")
- resource = doc.xml_select(u"//db:link[@xl:href]")
- image = doc.xml_select(u"//db:imagedata[@fileref]")
- exe = 0
- for c in code:
- (p, ext) = os.path.splitext(c.href)
- if ext in valid_scripts:
- exe = 1
- if title and menu:
- found = 0
- base = xfile.split('.')[1]
- link = base.replace('index','')
- level = len(filter(None,re.split(r'(^/\w*/|\w*/)',link)))
- res = []
- for r in resource:
- rf = os.path.join(dirname,r.href)
- if os.path.isfile(rf):
- res.append(rf)
- for i in image:
- im = os.path.join(dirname,i.fileref)
- if os.path.isfile(im):
- res.append(im)
- page = dict(title=unicode(,
- menu=unicode(,
- output=os.path.join(dirname,
- filename.replace('xml','html')),
- exe=exe,
- file=xfile,
- res=res,
- level=level)
- for l in sitemap:
- if l['link'] == link:
- found = 1
- l.update(page)
- if not found:
- print "adding "+link+" to sitemap"
- dd = dict(link=link)
- dd.update(page)
- sitemap.append(dd)
- sfile = open('sitemap.txt','w')
- for l in sitemap:
- sfile.write(l['link']+'\n')
- sfile.close()
- return sitemap
-def expandXincludeTxt(page):
- doc = bindery.parse(page['file'],
- prefixes={u'db': u'',
- u'xi': u''})
- if page['exe']:
- code = doc.xml_select(u"//xi:include[@parse='text']")
- for c in code:
- (p, ext) = os.path.splitext(c.href)
- if ext in valid_scripts:
- exe = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(c.href))
- xml = subprocess.Popen([exe],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- xstr = bindery.parse(str(
- id = c.xml_index_on_parent
- for x in xstr.xml_children:
- c.xml_parent.xml_insert(id,x)
- c.xml_parent.xml_remove(c)
- return doc
-def xsltConvert(doc):
-# amara can not handle the docbook stylesheets
-# xmlarticle = transform(doc,style_xslt)
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- rundir = os.path.dirname(page['file'])
- os.chdir(rundir)
- infile = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp())
- outfile = tempfile.mktemp()
- tfi = open(infile,'w')
- tfi.write(doc.xml_encode())
- tfi.close()
-# cmd = ["saxon-xslt-xinclude","-o",outfile,infile,style_xslt]
- cmd = ["xsltproc","--xinclude","--output",outfile,style_xslt,infile]
- retcode =
- if retcode:
- print 'Error: '+' '.join(cmd)+' Returncode ['+str(retcode)+']'
- tfo = open(outfile,'r')
- result =
- tfo.close()
- os.remove(infile)
- os.remove(outfile)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- return result
-def genMenu(page,sitemap,slevel,elevel):
- title = None
- sm = []
- if elevel == MAXLEVEL or elevel == 1 or page == None:
- html = '<ul>\n'
- sm = sitemap
- else:
- html = '<ul class="tree">\n'
- idx = sitemap.index(page)
- while (sitemap[idx]['level'] == page['level']):
- idx = idx-1
- title = sitemap[idx]['menu']
- idx = idx+1
- while (idx < len(sitemap) and sitemap[idx]['level'] == page['level']):
- sm.append(sitemap[idx])
- idx = idx+1
- oldlevel = slevel
- for p in sm:
- if slevel > p['level'] or elevel < p['level']:
- continue
- if not title and p['link'] == '/':
- title = p['menu']
- if oldlevel < p['level']:
- html+='<ul>\n'
- elif oldlevel > p['level']:
- if p['link'][-1] == '/':
- html+='</li>\n'
- html+='</ul>\n</li>\n'
- if page != None and page == p:
- html+='<li class="selected"><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (p['link'],p['menu'])
- else:
- html+='<li><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (p['link'],p['menu'])
- if p['link'][-1] != '/' or p['link'] == '/':
- html+='</li>\n'
- oldlevel = p['level']
- html+='</ul>\n'
- return (html,title)
-def writeToTemplate(page,doc,sitemap):
- (menu,menuname) = genMenu(page,sitemap,1,MAXLEVEL)
- (levelmenu,levelname) = genMenu(page,sitemap,page['level'],page['level'])
- template = Template(file=style_tmpl,
- searchList=[{'title':page['title']},
- {'menu':menu},
- {'article':doc},
- {'levelmenu':levelmenu},
- {'levelname':levelname}])
- outfile = tmptarget+page['output']
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(outfile))
- out = open(outfile, 'w')
- out.write(str(template))
- out.close()
- for r in page['res']:
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(tmptarget+r))
- shutil.copyfile(r, tmptarget+r)
-def createSitemap(sitemap):
- (menu,menuname) = genMenu(None,sitemap,1,MAXLEVEL)
- template = Template(file=style_tmpl,
- searchList=[
- {'title':'Sitemap'},
- {'menu':menu},
- {'article':menu},
- {'levelmenu':''},
- {'levelname':''}])
- outfile = tmptarget+'sitemap.en.html'
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(outfile))
- out = open(outfile, 'w')
- out.write(str(template))
- out.close()
+ts = time.time()
dir_ = Directory()
sitemap = Sitemap()
t2 = time.time()
print "Publish [%5.2f s]" % (round(t2-t1,2))
-sitemap = generateSitemap()
-tmptarget = tempfile.mkdtemp()+'/'
-tot = 0
-for page in sitemap:
- t1 = time.time()
- print "Page : %-30s %30s" % (page['link'],
- time.ctime(os.stat(page['file']).st_mtime)),
- doc = expandXincludeTxt(page)
- pubdoc = xsltConvert(doc)
- writeToTemplate(page,pubdoc,sitemap)
- t2 = time.time()
- print "[%5.2f s]" % (round(t2-t1,2))
- tot = tot + (t2-t1)
-print "Total time\t\t\t\t\t\t\t [%5.2f s]" % (round(tot,2))
-publish(tmptarget, args.output)
-publish("css", args.output)
+print "Total [%5.2f s]" % (round(t2-ts,2))