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+ <title>Freggies</title>
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+ <h1><a href="#">Freggies</a></h1>
+ <h2>Fruits and Veggies = Healthy Freggies</h2>
+ </header><!-- end of header -->
+ <section id="main"><!-- #main content and sidebar area -->
+ <section id="content"><!-- #content -->
+ <b class="benefitsheading">Healthy Eating Benefits</b>
+ <section class="benefits">
+ <a href="#"><img class="thumbnail" src="images/run.png" title="run" alt="run"/><span class="caption"><b>Increase Energy</b></span></a>
+ </section>
+ <section class="benefits">
+ <a href="#"><img class="thumbnail" src="images/scale.png" title="scale" alt="scale"/><span class="caption"><b>Maintain Weight</b></span></a>
+ </section>
+ <section class="benefits">
+ <a href="#"><img class="thumbnail" src="images/healthshield.png" title="healthy" alt="healthy"/><span class="caption"><b>Prevent Disease</b></span></a>
+ </section>
+ <article>
+ <h2><a href="#">First Article Title</a></h2>
+ <img src="images/fruits1.jpg" alt="" class="alignright" /><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.</p>
+ </article>
+ <article>
+ <h2><a href="#">Second Article Title</a></h2>
+ <img src="images/veggies1.jpg" alt="" class="alignleft" /><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.</p>
+ </article>
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+ <h3>Stuff</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#">Curabitur sodales</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Sed dignissim</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Fusce nec</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Nulla quis</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>More Stuff</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#">Curabitur sodales</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Sed dignissim</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Fusce nec</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Nulla quis</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Blah</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">More blah</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Even More Stuff</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#">Curabitur sodales</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Sed dignissim</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Fusce nec</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Nulla quis</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Blah</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">More blah</a></li>
+ </ul>
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+ <h4>Friends</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#">one linkylink</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">two linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">three linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">four linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">five linkylinks</a></li>
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+ <h4>Awesome Stuff</h4>
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+ <li><a href="#">one linkylink</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">two linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">three linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">four linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">five linkylinks</a></li>
+ </ul>
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+ <h4>Coolness</h4>
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+ <li><a href="#">one linkylink</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">two linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">three linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">four linkylinks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">five linkylinks</a></li>
+ </ul>
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+ <aside class="footer-segment">
+ <h4>Blahdyblah</h4>
+ <p>Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta.</p>
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