# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
+import sys
from os import path
from httplib2 import Http
-import urllib
-from math import *
+from urllib import urlencode
+from math import log,tan,pi,cos,radians,ceil,floor
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
out += u''' %d°%2d'%05.2f"%s''' % ( deg,mnt,sec,'E')
return out
- def lontile(lon, zoom):
- tile = ((lon + 180) / 360) * (2**zoom)
+ def lontile(self, zoom):
+ tile = ((self.longitude + 180) / 360) * (2**zoom)
return tile
- def lattile(lat, zoom):
- tile = (1 - log(tan(lat * pi/180) + 1 / cos(lat* pi/180)) / pi) /2 * 2**zoom
- # tile = (1-log(tan(radians(lat))+1/cos(radians(lat)))/pi)/2*2**zoom
+ def lattile(self, zoom):
+ rad = radians(self.latitude)
+ tile = (1-log(tan(rad)+1/cos(rad))/pi)/2*2**zoom
return tile
- def coordtile(coord, zoom):
- x = lontile(coord[1],zoom)
- y = lattile(coord[0],zoom)
- return (y,x)
- def tile(x,y,z):
- return 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/%s/%s/%s.png' % (z,x,y)
- def link(coord,zoom):
- (x, y) = coordtile(coord,zoom)
- x = int(floor(x))
- y = int(floor(y))
- return tile(x,y,zoom)
- def offset(coord, zoom):
- (x, y) = coordtile(coord,zoom)
+ def offset(self,zoom):
+ x = self.lontile(zoom)
+ y = self.lattile(zoom)
xo = int(floor((x-floor(x))*TS))
yo = int(floor((y-floor(y))*TS))
return (xo, yo)
point.latitude, point.longitude)
return res['s12']
- def png(self,zoom=15,size=(TS,TS)):
+ def direct(self, direction, lenght):
+ point = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(self.latitude, self.longitude,
+ direction, length)
+ return self.__class__(point['lat2'],point['lon2'])
+ def png(self,zoom=15,size=(400,150)):
filename = encode(self.latitude, self.longitude)+'.png'
- if path.isfile(filename):
- if path.getctime(filename) > time.time() - 60*60*24*2:
- return
+# if path.isfile(filename):
+# if path.getctime(filename) > time.time() - 60*60*24*2:
+# return
im = Image.new("RGB", size, None)
- center = (size[0]/2, size[1]/2)
- nst = ceil(center[0]-TS/2)/TS
- ewt = ceil(center[1]-TS/2)/TS
- x, y = offset(co,zoom)
- (ns, ew) = coordtile(co,zoom)
- if x < TS/2:
- e = 1
- w = 0
- if x > TS/2:
- e = 0
- w = 1
- if y < TS/2:
- n = 1
- s = 0
- if y > TS/2:
- n = 0
- s = 1
- ul = (ns-nst-n, ew-ewt-e)
- lr = (ns+nst+s, ew+ewt+w)
- lattiles = range(int(ul[0]),int(lr[0])+1)
- lontiles = range(int(ul[1]),int(lr[1])+1)
-# url = link(c,zoom)
- size = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
- grid = Image.new("RGB", size, None)
+ ew = int(self.lontile(zoom))
+ ns = int(self.lattile(zoom))
+ (xo, yo) = self.offset(zoom)
+ et = int(floor((xo - ceil(size[0]/2))/TS))
+ nt = int(floor((yo - ceil(size[1]/2))/TS))
+ wt = int(floor((xo + ceil(size[0]/2))/TS))
+ st = int(floor((yo + ceil(size[1]/2))/TS))
+ lontiles = range(ew+et,ew+wt+1)
+ lattiles = range(ns+nt,ns+st+1)
+ imsize = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
+ grid = Image.new("RGB", imsize, None)
for yi, y in enumerate(lattiles):
for xi, x in enumerate(lontiles):
- url = tile(x,y,zoom)
- time.sleep(1)
+ url = 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/%s/%s/%s.png' % (zoom,x,y)
request, content = h.request(url)
img = Image.open(StringIO(content))
+# dr = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+# dr.rectangle([0,0,TS,TS], outline=0)
box = (xi*TS, yi*TS)
grid.paste(img, box)
- t = coordtile(co,zoom)
- o = offset(co,zoom)
- yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
- xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
+ yp = [i for i,j in enumerate(lattiles) if j == int(ns)][0]*TS+yo
+ xp = [i for i,j in enumerate(lontiles) if j == int(ew)][0]*TS+xo
mark(grid, (xp,yp))
- gridc = grid.crop((xp-TS/2,yp-TS/2,xp+TS/2,yp+TS/2))
+ xc = int(ceil(size[0]/2))
+ yc = int(ceil(size[1]/2))
+# draw = ImageDraw.Draw(grid)
+# draw.rectangle([xp-xc,yp-yc,xp+xc,yp+yc], outline="red")
+ gridc = grid.crop((xp-xc,yp-yc,xp+xc,yp+yc))
def db_xml(self):
+ self.png()
img = encode(self.latitude, self.longitude)+'.png'
phr = "geo:"+str(self.latitude)+","+str(self.longitude)
- format='PNG'))
+ format='PNG')),
- db.para(self.dms())
+ self.dms(),
**{const.XLINK+"href": self.osmlink()}))
return uri
class Address(object):
"""Address object to contain everything known about an address"""
- def __init__(self,address):
- self._address_string = address
- self._coord = None
+ def __init__(self,street=None,postcode=None,city=None,country=None):
+ self.name = None
+ self.street = street
+ self.postcode = postcode
+ self.city = city
+ self.country = country
+ self.phone = ''
+ self.coord = None
- def geocode(self,country=None):
- params = { 'q': self._address_string,
- 'addressdetails': 1,
+ def geocode(self):
+ base_url = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?%s'
+ params = { 'addressdetails': 1,
'limit': 1,
'format': 'xml',
'polygon': 0 }
- if country:
- params['countrycodes'] = country
+ if self.country:
+ t = etree.parse('/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml')
+ r = t.xpath('//iso_3166_entry[@name="'+self.country+'"]')
+ if len(r)==1:
+ params['countrycodes'] = r[0].get("alpha_2_code")
- base_url = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?%s'
- url = base_url % urllib.urlencode(params)
- resp, content = h.request(url)
- root = etree.fromstring(content)
- place = root.find("place")
- if place is not None:
- print (etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
- self._coord=Coord(place.get("lat"),place.get("lon"))
- return 1
- else:
- print resp
- print content
- return 0
+ addrlist=[]
+ if self.name and len(self.name)>0:
+ addrlist.append(u''+self.name+', '+self.street+', '+self.city)
+ addrlist.append(u''+self.street+', '+self.postcode+', '+self.city)
+ addrlist.append(u''+self.street+', '+self.city)
+ for addr in addrlist:
+ params['q'] = addr.encode('utf-8')
+ url = base_url % urlencode(params)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ resp, content = h.request(url)
+ root = etree.fromstring(content)
+ places = int(root.xpath('count(//place[@place_id])'))
+ if places == 1:
+ place = root.find("place")
+ self.coord=Coord(place.get("lat"),place.get("lon"))
+ return
+ sys.stderr.write(u'FAILURE: Did not find:\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(addrlist[0].encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.write(url)
+ def add_phone(self, phone):
+ self.phone = phone
+ def set_name(self, name):
+ self.name = name
def db_xml(self):
- return self._coord.db_xml()
+ db = ElementMaker(namespace=const.DB_NS, nsmap=const.NSMAP)
+ adr = db.address(db.street(self.street),
+ db.postcode(self.postcode),
+ db.city(self.city),
+ db.country(self.country),
+ db.phone(self.phone),
+ self.coord.db_xml())
+# type=self.type,
+ return adr
def distance(p1, p2):
gridc = grid.crop((xp,yp,xpl,ypl))
# gridc.save("cap-un.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ al = arg.split("=")
+ if al[0] == "lang":
+ lang = al[1]
+ if al[0] == "xptr":
+ argument = al[1].decode('utf-8')
+ addrlist = argument.split(',')
+ addrfmt = "street,postcode,city,country"
+ adict = addrfmt.split(',')
+ argdict = dict(zip(adict,addrlist))
+ addr = Address(**argdict)
+ addr.geocode()
+ axml = addr.db_xml()
+# clean_db(axml)
+ #print(etree.tostring(cxml, pretty_print=True))
+ #sys.stdout.write(out.encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stdout.write(etree.tostring(axml,encoding='UTF-8',pretty_print=False))