self._menu = None
self._rendered_article = None
+ def prepare(self):
+ self._doc = bindery.parse(self._file, prefixes=PREFIXES)
+ if self._doc.xml_select(u'/db:article/db:info/db:title'):
+ self._title = unicode(
+ if self._doc.xml_select(u'/db:article/db:info/db:titleabbrev'):
+ self._menu = unicode(
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(self._file)
+ code = self._doc.xml_select(u"//xi:include[@parse='text']")
+ if code:
+ for c in code:
+ (p, ext) = os.path.splitext(c.href)
+ if ext in valid_scripts:
+ exe = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dirname+c.href))
+ xml = subprocess.Popen([exe],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ xstr = bindery.parse(str(
+ idp = c.xml_index_on_parent
+ for x in xstr.xml_children:
+ c.xml_parent.xml_insert(idp,x)
+ c.xml_parent.xml_remove(c)
+ for r in self._doc.xml_select(u"//db:link[@xl:href]"):
+ rf = os.path.join(dirname,r.href)
+ if os.path.isfile(rf):
+ self._resources.append(rf)
+ for i in self._doc.xml_select(u"//db:imagedata[@fileref]"):
+ im = os.path.join(dirname,i.fileref)
+ if os.path.isfile(im):
+ self._resources.append(im)
+ def render(self):
+ # amara can not handle the docbook stylesheets
+ # xmlarticle = transform(doc,style_xslt)
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(self._file)
+ os.chdir(dirname)
+ infile = os.path.basename(tempfile.mktemp())
+ outfile = tempfile.mktemp()
+ tfi = open(infile,'w')
+ tfi.write(doc.xml_encode())
+ tfi.close()
+# cmd = ["saxon-xslt-xinclude","-o",outfile,infile,style_xslt]
+ cmd = ["xsltproc","--xinclude","--output",outfile,style_xslt,infile]
+ retcode =
+ if retcode:
+ print 'Error: '+' '.join(cmd)+' Returncode ['+str(retcode)+']'
+ tfo = open(outfile,'r')
+ self._rendered_article =
+ tfo.close()
+ os.remove(infile)
+ os.remove(outfile)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ def template(self,sitemap):
+ htmlmenu = sitemap.gen_menu(self._lang,None)
+ levelmenu = sitemap.gen_menu(self._lang,self)
+ template = Template(file=style_tmpl,
+ searchList=[{'title':self._title},
+ {'menu':htmlmenu},
+ {'article':self._rendered_article},
+ {'levelmenu':levelmenu},
+ {'levelname':levelname}])
+ outfile = tmptarget+self._file+'.'+self._lang+'.html'
+ mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(outfile))
+ out = open(outfile, 'w')
+ out.write(str(template))
+ out.close()
class Link():
"""Class representing a webpage on the site"""
def __init__(self,link):