Renaming addr to a more proper name, will be used to do all address tasks.
authorFredrik Unger <>
Mon, 24 Sep 2012 18:17:41 +0000 (20:17 +0200)
committerFredrik Unger <>
Mon, 24 Sep 2012 18:17:41 +0000 (20:17 +0200)
xinclude/ [deleted file]
xinclude/ [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/xinclude/ b/xinclude/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4ae59df..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import time
-from os import path
-from httplib2 import Http
-import urllib
-from math import *
-from lxml import etree
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from geohash import encode
-from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
-# EC Equator lenght
-EC = 40075016.686 # meter
-# ER Earth radius
-ER = 6372798.2 # meter
-# Availible zoom levels in OSM
-ZOOMRANGE = range(1, 18)
-# tile size
-TS = 256
-h = Http(".cache")
-class StaticOpenStreetMap(object):
-    """Setting up a static image from OSM with one or more markers"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._zoom = 0
-        self._width = 0
-        self._height = 0
-        self._markers = []
-        self._maptype = 'mapnik'
-    def add_marker(lon,lat):
-        self._markers.append((lon,lat))
-#    def construct_map(self):
-#        for coord in self._markers:
-#            print coord
-def lontile(lon, zoom):
-    tile = ((lon + 180) / 360) * (2**zoom)
-    return tile
-def lattile(lat, zoom):
-    tile = (1 - log(tan(lat * pi/180) + 1 / cos(lat* pi/180)) / pi) /2 * 2**zoom
-#    tile = (1-log(tan(radians(lat))+1/cos(radians(lat)))/pi)/2*2**zoom
-    return tile
-def coordtile(coord, zoom):
-    x = lontile(coord[1],zoom)
-    y = lattile(coord[0],zoom)
-    return (y,x)
-def tile(x,y,z):
-    return '' % (z,x,y)
-def link(coord,zoom):
-    z = zoom
-    x = int(floor(lontile(coord[1],z)))
-    y = int(floor(lattile(coord[0],z)))
-    return tile(x,y,z)
-def offset(coord, zoom):
-    z = zoom
-    x = lontile(coord[1],z)
-    y = lattile(coord[0],z)
-    xo = int(floor((x-floor(x))*TS))
-    yo = int(floor((y-floor(y))*TS))
-    return (xo, yo)
-def distance(p1, p2):
-    res = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])
-    return res['s12']
-def geocode(address,country=None):
-    params = { 'q': address,
-               'addressdetails': 1,
-               'limit': 1,
-               'format': 'xml',
-               'polygon': 0 }
-    time.sleep(1)
-    if country:
-        params['countrycodes'] = country
-    base_url = ''
-    url = base_url % urllib.urlencode(params)
-    resp, content = h.request(url)
-#    print resp
-#    print content
-    root = etree.fromstring(content)
-    etree.tostring(root)
-#    print "%s" % (address)
-    lat = None
-    lon = None
-    for element in root.iter("place"):
-        lat = element.get("lat")
-        lon = element.get("lon")
-#        print(" : %s,%s" % (lat, lon))
-        break
-    if not lat or not lon:
-        print resp
-        print content
-    return (float(lat),float(lon))
-def mark(image, coord):
-    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
-    x, y = coord
-    r = 5
-    bbox = (x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r)
-    draw.ellipse(bbox, outline="red")
-def mapimage(coords, zoom=15,size=(TS,TS)):
-    if len(coords) == 1:
-        co = coords[0]
-        filename = encode(co[0],co[1])+'.png'
-        if path.isfile(filename):
-            if path.getctime(filename) > time.time() - 60*60*24*2:
-                return
-        im ="RGB", size, None)
-        center = (size[0]/2, size[1]/2)
-        nst = ceil(center[0]-TS/2)/TS
-        ewt = ceil(center[1]-TS/2)/TS
-        x, y = offset(co,zoom)
-        (ns, ew) = coordtile(co,zoom)
-        if x < TS/2:
-            e = 1
-            w = 0
-        if x > TS/2:
-            e = 0
-            w = 1
-        if y < TS/2:
-            n = 1
-            s = 0
-        if y > TS/2:
-            n = 0
-            s = 1
-        ul = (ns-nst-n, ew-ewt-e)
-        lr = (ns+nst+s, ew+ewt+w)
-        lattiles = range(int(ul[0]),int(lr[0])+1)
-        lontiles =  range(int(ul[1]),int(lr[1])+1)
-#        url = link(c,zoom)
-        size = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
-        grid ="RGB", size, None)
-        img = []
-        for yi, y in enumerate(lattiles):
-            for xi, x in enumerate(lontiles):
-                url = tile(x,y,zoom)
-#                print url
-                time.sleep(1)
-                request, content = h.request(url)
-                img =
-                box = (xi*TS, yi*TS)
-                grid.paste(img, box)
-        t = coordtile(co,zoom)
-        o = offset(co,zoom)
-        yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
-        xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
-        mark(grid, (xp,yp))
-        gridc = grid.crop((xp-TS/2,yp-TS/2,xp+TS/2,yp+TS/2))
-    else:
-        minlat = 1000
-        maxlat = 0
-        minlon = 1000
-        maxlon = 0
-        for c in coords:
-            minlat = min(minlat,c[0])
-            maxlat = max(maxlat,c[0])
-            minlon = min(minlon,c[1])
-            maxlon = max(maxlon,c[1])
-        # Find minimal bounding box and expand it 5%
-        hyp = distance((maxlat,minlon),(minlat,maxlon))
-        hyp = hyp*0.05
-        uld =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(maxlat, minlon, 315, hyp)
-        urd =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(maxlat, maxlon,  45, hyp)
-        lld =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(minlat, minlon, 225, hyp)
-        lrd =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(minlat, maxlon, 135, hyp)
-        ul = (uld['lat2'],uld['lon2'])
-        ur = (urd['lat2'],urd['lon2'])
-        ll = (lld['lat2'],lld['lon2'])
-        lr = (lrd['lat2'],lrd['lon2'])
-        top = distance(ul,ur)
-        bottom = distance(ll,lr)
-        left = distance(ul,ll)
-        right = distance(ur,lr)
-#    m_per_pix = EC*abs(cos(lat))/2**(zoomlevel+8)
-#    m_per_pix = ER*2*pi*abs(cos(lat))/2**(zoomlevel+8)
-        for zoom in range(1,18):
-            t = 2**(zoom)*TS/(ER*2*pi*abs(cos(ul[0])))
-            toppix = t*top
-            leftpix = t*left
-            b = 2**(zoom)*TS/(ER*2*pi*abs(cos(ll[0])))
-            bottompix = b*bottom
-            rightpix  = b*right
-#            print "Zoom: %s : %s %s %s %s" % (zoom, toppix, bottompix, leftpix, rightpix)
-            if max(toppix,bottompix,leftpix,rightpix) > TS*4:
-                break
-#        print "Zoom to use : %s" % (zoom)
-        ult = coordtile(ul,zoom)
-        lrt = coordtile(lr,zoom)
-        lattiles = range(int(ult[0]),int(lrt[0])+1)
-        lontiles =  range(int(ult[1]),int(lrt[1])+1)
-        size = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
-        grid ="RGB", size, None)
-        img = []
-        for yi, y in enumerate(lattiles):
-            for xi, x in enumerate(lontiles):
-                url = tile(x,y,zoom)
-#                print url
-                time.sleep(1)
-                request, content = h.request(url)
-                img =
-                box = (xi*TS, yi*TS)
-                grid.paste(img, box)
-        for c in coords:
-            t = coordtile(c,zoom)
-            o = offset(c,zoom)
-            yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
-            xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
-            mark(grid, (xp,yp))
-        t = coordtile(ul,zoom)
-        o = offset(ul,zoom)
-        yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
-        xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
-        t = coordtile(lr,zoom)
-        o = offset(lr,zoom)
-        ypl = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
-        xpl = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
-        gridc = grid.crop((xp,yp,xpl,ypl))
diff --git a/xinclude/ b/xinclude/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..4ae59df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import time
+from os import path
+from httplib2 import Http
+import urllib
+from math import *
+from lxml import etree
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from geohash import encode
+from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
+# EC Equator lenght
+EC = 40075016.686 # meter
+# ER Earth radius
+ER = 6372798.2 # meter
+# Availible zoom levels in OSM
+ZOOMRANGE = range(1, 18)
+# tile size
+TS = 256
+h = Http(".cache")
+class StaticOpenStreetMap(object):
+    """Setting up a static image from OSM with one or more markers"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._zoom = 0
+        self._width = 0
+        self._height = 0
+        self._markers = []
+        self._maptype = 'mapnik'
+    def add_marker(lon,lat):
+        self._markers.append((lon,lat))
+#    def construct_map(self):
+#        for coord in self._markers:
+#            print coord
+def lontile(lon, zoom):
+    tile = ((lon + 180) / 360) * (2**zoom)
+    return tile
+def lattile(lat, zoom):
+    tile = (1 - log(tan(lat * pi/180) + 1 / cos(lat* pi/180)) / pi) /2 * 2**zoom
+#    tile = (1-log(tan(radians(lat))+1/cos(radians(lat)))/pi)/2*2**zoom
+    return tile
+def coordtile(coord, zoom):
+    x = lontile(coord[1],zoom)
+    y = lattile(coord[0],zoom)
+    return (y,x)
+def tile(x,y,z):
+    return '' % (z,x,y)
+def link(coord,zoom):
+    z = zoom
+    x = int(floor(lontile(coord[1],z)))
+    y = int(floor(lattile(coord[0],z)))
+    return tile(x,y,z)
+def offset(coord, zoom):
+    z = zoom
+    x = lontile(coord[1],z)
+    y = lattile(coord[0],z)
+    xo = int(floor((x-floor(x))*TS))
+    yo = int(floor((y-floor(y))*TS))
+    return (xo, yo)
+def distance(p1, p2):
+    res = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])
+    return res['s12']
+def geocode(address,country=None):
+    params = { 'q': address,
+               'addressdetails': 1,
+               'limit': 1,
+               'format': 'xml',
+               'polygon': 0 }
+    time.sleep(1)
+    if country:
+        params['countrycodes'] = country
+    base_url = ''
+    url = base_url % urllib.urlencode(params)
+    resp, content = h.request(url)
+#    print resp
+#    print content
+    root = etree.fromstring(content)
+    etree.tostring(root)
+#    print "%s" % (address)
+    lat = None
+    lon = None
+    for element in root.iter("place"):
+        lat = element.get("lat")
+        lon = element.get("lon")
+#        print(" : %s,%s" % (lat, lon))
+        break
+    if not lat or not lon:
+        print resp
+        print content
+    return (float(lat),float(lon))
+def mark(image, coord):
+    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+    x, y = coord
+    r = 5
+    bbox = (x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r)
+    draw.ellipse(bbox, outline="red")
+def mapimage(coords, zoom=15,size=(TS,TS)):
+    if len(coords) == 1:
+        co = coords[0]
+        filename = encode(co[0],co[1])+'.png'
+        if path.isfile(filename):
+            if path.getctime(filename) > time.time() - 60*60*24*2:
+                return
+        im ="RGB", size, None)
+        center = (size[0]/2, size[1]/2)
+        nst = ceil(center[0]-TS/2)/TS
+        ewt = ceil(center[1]-TS/2)/TS
+        x, y = offset(co,zoom)
+        (ns, ew) = coordtile(co,zoom)
+        if x < TS/2:
+            e = 1
+            w = 0
+        if x > TS/2:
+            e = 0
+            w = 1
+        if y < TS/2:
+            n = 1
+            s = 0
+        if y > TS/2:
+            n = 0
+            s = 1
+        ul = (ns-nst-n, ew-ewt-e)
+        lr = (ns+nst+s, ew+ewt+w)
+        lattiles = range(int(ul[0]),int(lr[0])+1)
+        lontiles =  range(int(ul[1]),int(lr[1])+1)
+#        url = link(c,zoom)
+        size = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
+        grid ="RGB", size, None)
+        img = []
+        for yi, y in enumerate(lattiles):
+            for xi, x in enumerate(lontiles):
+                url = tile(x,y,zoom)
+#                print url
+                time.sleep(1)
+                request, content = h.request(url)
+                img =
+                box = (xi*TS, yi*TS)
+                grid.paste(img, box)
+        t = coordtile(co,zoom)
+        o = offset(co,zoom)
+        yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
+        xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
+        mark(grid, (xp,yp))
+        gridc = grid.crop((xp-TS/2,yp-TS/2,xp+TS/2,yp+TS/2))
+    else:
+        minlat = 1000
+        maxlat = 0
+        minlon = 1000
+        maxlon = 0
+        for c in coords:
+            minlat = min(minlat,c[0])
+            maxlat = max(maxlat,c[0])
+            minlon = min(minlon,c[1])
+            maxlon = max(maxlon,c[1])
+        # Find minimal bounding box and expand it 5%
+        hyp = distance((maxlat,minlon),(minlat,maxlon))
+        hyp = hyp*0.05
+        uld =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(maxlat, minlon, 315, hyp)
+        urd =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(maxlat, maxlon,  45, hyp)
+        lld =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(minlat, minlon, 225, hyp)
+        lrd =  Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(minlat, maxlon, 135, hyp)
+        ul = (uld['lat2'],uld['lon2'])
+        ur = (urd['lat2'],urd['lon2'])
+        ll = (lld['lat2'],lld['lon2'])
+        lr = (lrd['lat2'],lrd['lon2'])
+        top = distance(ul,ur)
+        bottom = distance(ll,lr)
+        left = distance(ul,ll)
+        right = distance(ur,lr)
+#    m_per_pix = EC*abs(cos(lat))/2**(zoomlevel+8)
+#    m_per_pix = ER*2*pi*abs(cos(lat))/2**(zoomlevel+8)
+        for zoom in range(1,18):
+            t = 2**(zoom)*TS/(ER*2*pi*abs(cos(ul[0])))
+            toppix = t*top
+            leftpix = t*left
+            b = 2**(zoom)*TS/(ER*2*pi*abs(cos(ll[0])))
+            bottompix = b*bottom
+            rightpix  = b*right
+#            print "Zoom: %s : %s %s %s %s" % (zoom, toppix, bottompix, leftpix, rightpix)
+            if max(toppix,bottompix,leftpix,rightpix) > TS*4:
+                break
+#        print "Zoom to use : %s" % (zoom)
+        ult = coordtile(ul,zoom)
+        lrt = coordtile(lr,zoom)
+        lattiles = range(int(ult[0]),int(lrt[0])+1)
+        lontiles =  range(int(ult[1]),int(lrt[1])+1)
+        size = (len(lontiles)*TS,len(lattiles)*TS)
+        grid ="RGB", size, None)
+        img = []
+        for yi, y in enumerate(lattiles):
+            for xi, x in enumerate(lontiles):
+                url = tile(x,y,zoom)
+#                print url
+                time.sleep(1)
+                request, content = h.request(url)
+                img =
+                box = (xi*TS, yi*TS)
+                grid.paste(img, box)
+        for c in coords:
+            t = coordtile(c,zoom)
+            o = offset(c,zoom)
+            yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
+            xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
+            mark(grid, (xp,yp))
+        t = coordtile(ul,zoom)
+        o = offset(ul,zoom)
+        yp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
+        xp = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
+        t = coordtile(lr,zoom)
+        o = offset(lr,zoom)
+        ypl = [i for i,x in enumerate(lattiles) if x == int(t[0])][0]*TS+o[1]
+        xpl = [i for i,x in enumerate(lontiles) if x == int(t[1])][0]*TS+o[0]
+        gridc = grid.crop((xp,yp,xpl,ypl))